Sunday, July 3, 2016

Welcome to the Collection

The movie collection you have the pleasure of hearing my prattle on about. 

We love movies. And as you can see, we have a large collection of movies with varying degrees of quality and popularity. . We have our movies split up into several categories: Comics, Kids/Family, Muppets, Tolkien/Narnia/Star Wars, and Everything Else. We also have a pretty small anime collection and some TV series. Chances are I will not be reviewing either of those sections in this blog. All-in-all, we have somewhere around 400 titles.

First Part of the "Everything Else" section
There are also some things that will be watched out of alphabetical order, seem like they're out of order (which will be explained when I make the posts), or not at all. For instance, we own a couple different documentaries on Tolkien's works that we won't watch during this. Some things will be clumped together, for the sake of ease and reviewing as a whole (Back to the Future, Lord of the Rings, etc). Unfortunately, we haven't completed some movie trilogies or series. Not that we haven't seen them, just haven't bought them yet. In some cases we may watch movies outside of our collection (for instance, we own Jurassic Park 3 and World, but not 1 and 2). We haven't decided yet, though. 

Second Part of the "Everything Else" section
This blog will contain spoilers, but I'll try to keep those spoilers at the end of each review with a connotation, so that way if the movie sounds interesting, it doesn't give away the ending. This is especially true for movies like Pan's Labyrinth and Hot Fuzz, and less true for movies like Anchorman.

Family Movies Section
These reviews won't be typical movie reviews. Mostly they will include a description of the movie, and my opinions on the movie without a rating system. I find it pretty unfair to rate movies against one another. I have strange opinions on movies, and will defend my reasoning until the day I die. Some of these opinions are unpopular, which will come up very early in these reviews (I'm talking about James Cameron's Avatar, so if you like that movie and hate hearing it talked poorly about [or James Cameron in general], maybe skip that post).

Comics Section and the Special
So welcome! I hope you get some enjoyment out of these reviews. Maybe you'll learn about a new movie or two, or decide to give a movie you disliked the first time through a second chance. Feel free to ask any questions on a review you feel I left out.

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