Tuesday, July 26, 2016

"Battlefield Earth" This Movie is Bad and You Should Even Skip Reading This Post

Let's not beat around the bush here. This movie is bad. It is widely reviled, and is considered to be one of the worst movies ever made. Yes, those are 7 different links, including admission by the screenwriter. So why don't we just jump into this and get it over with.

The year 3000. For 1000 years the human population has been dwindling as the alien race known as the Psychlos have taken over and have been using us for slave labor ever since. Or something. "Battlefield Earth" (2000) was a book written by L. Ron Hubbard. Sounds familiar? He is responsible for Scientology. If you think Scientology is a crazy premise (because it is), then this movie is even worse. Granted, there is no mention of Scientology anywhere in this movie. It takes place in the future. Not many religions have books that tell the future and use those tellings as holy script.

I could make a huge list of why this movie is awful. But I won't. You didn't come here for that. I mean, you shouldn't be reading this at all. Stay away from this movie, and any mention of it. If you're a tech-type, create a filter for your web browser that filters out anything pertaining to this movie like those geniuses did with the Kardashians. Then release it and become a millionaire. Or do it out of the goodness of your heart. 

Please, just skip it. Don't be a hero. You don't need to prove to anyone that you can sit through it. Hell, I'm learning how to embroider while I sit through this movie because I know otherwise I'll rip my own eyes out or something. But then I would still hear the bad acting so I'd need to damage my ears. Then I'd be blind and deaf and that's no way to live. 

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